Saturday, May 21, 2016

Accessories, Accessories & Accessories

As I enter the closet each morning, to decide what is my dress for the day, my mind races through not only what shoes to wear to match up my dress but what are my various accessories options as well. I am sure there are many women like me who want to better coordinate their dressing style but don’t have the time to do so. Each woman has a different personality and often how they dress reflects their personality or their mood for the day.

     Hence accessories are a wonderful option to change your dressing style. Some       women spend a lot of time shopping and getting ready in the morning to make surethey are perfectly coordinated. It makes sense to do so if you are going for a ceremony or a wedding, but harder to do so when you are a working woman and have responsibilities of a household along with children. Accessories such as purses or belts or scarfs or jewelry or watches to match your dress or shoes shows your creative side. But one should be careful on how coordinated do you want to look.

Sharing a range of coordination pics from extremely matching to coordinating only some of your accessories such as your purse or shoes or jewelry. Wearing too coordinated accessories does not necessarily make you look elegant. Infact you land up investing a lot of money in these accessories, with barely utilizing them.

One does not always need to wear all the accessories with each dress, you can wear different accessories with the same dress on different occasions. Hence having some accessories that will match up with different dresses often give you the most bank for the buck!
Men can also coordinate their dressing styles with accessories such as belts and shoes.

I will log off with another accessory tip for your Indian Shoes – Indian purses. Most Indian sandals look
 very coordinated if you are carrying an ethnic purse with some designs on them. Next week will chat more on dressing for various occasions!  



  1. Coordinating the accessories is a great topic. I believe coordination can be done even if colors are strictly not the same. Any tips on this?

  2. I loved the idea of matching shows and purses.....I generally concentrate only on matching earrings or jewelry but never thought of shoes and a purse……the pics looks fabulous too…..this is something every girl relates with….will definitely like to read more….Keep Writing!! - DelhiGirl

  3. Love the idea of contrasts, so as to not look too coordinated, contrasts provide very elegant looks too, would like to get more tips on contrasting accessories

  4. Besides Belts & Shoes - any other accessories for men? Should men accessorize at all?
