Saturday, April 30, 2016

Love for High Heels - is it Worth it ?

Who does not like high heels? Who does not like the sexy look upon wearing high heels? Be it pencil heels or wedges. Heels or wedges look very classy, give the formal look even if you are wearing casual clothes.

High heels re definitely top and front of mind when women are selecting shoes. The only debate is if their feet would feel comfortable in them. Imagine you wearing high heels in like the pic below.   

You definitely don’t want to be wobbly in those heels, neither do you want pains in the foot or ankles or as a matter of fact in your back either.

Podiatrists suggest that high heels can use an inclination of the body, reducing the perpendicular angle to a much smaller angle depending on the height of the heel. It not only causes foot and ankle problems, but also disturbs the alignment of their spine/back with their chest, abdomen and butt. 

 Hence the recommendation to wear comfortable shoes. There is no harm in wearing high heels provided it is for a relatively shorter duration and does not cause too much pain. Secondly try to relax and pamper those feet. One should also try to walk on grass, preferably barefoot. 


  1. Very good article, thoroughly appreciate the tip of walking on grass to relive pains, need some more easy remedies for feet pains

  2. Thank you Indian Sandals! I feel compelled to wear high heels at work, and I really dont want to do do I change that perception or cope up with it?

  3. Useful info. Hope to see more good posts in the future.
    womens clothing
