Saturday, June 4, 2016

Its Graduation Time!

After my final presentation today, I found out that I had one more blog due today. However, since I had already wrapped up my Indian Sandals blog, I decided well today, let me share my thoughts and excitement on Graduation!

  Class of 2016 !! Congratulations, you made it! I am sure it was not an easy road, wishing you Good Luck for the upcoming adventures !

As part of the 2016 graduating class, I proudly followed the traditions set by the Santa Clara University Alumni is pinning a $1 note with your name on the ceiling of a local bar called - The Hut - across the street from Lucas Hall - Leavey School of Business at Santa Clara University. 

I found it hard to behold my excitement, given that I was in school for 5 long years, taking it slow and easy, working full time and growing my family. My proud parents joke that I earned 3.5 degrees - an MBA from SCU, Certificate of Motherhood for Child 01 - my older son who is now 3, Certificate of Motherhood for Child 02 - my 7-month old girl and finally 0.5 degree of my husband who also earned his MBA while I was at school!

Now that I would get a few hours of each day back into my life, I plan to spend the time with my family, focus my energy back into Tennis and swimming. I would like to thank my audience, for reading my posts and giving me good feedback for improvement! End this note with a picture of my shoe for graduation ceremony.

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